Re: Tutorial: correctly position its advertising adsense, oxado
by naeempartner » Thu Aug 19, 2010 12:13 pm
In January we moved to a third party ad system instead of selling own own text ads, but we're not happy at all with the company we signed up for - The Rubicon Project. They are like a middle man and serve ads from various other advertising companies like Google, Yahoo, Active Response Group, CPX Interactive, etc, and theoretically optimize them over time based on each network's performance to earn us the most money. That optimization is a fairy tale unfortunately, and doesn't so jack diddly. Plus we've had two major problems with the service, including them not paying us for our first month even though we had earned WAY above the minimum threshold, and both times their customer service sucked big time. And the ads are extremely irritating anyways, and that's not at all what we want.