what's needed for the new version

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what's needed for the new version

Postby relisys » Mon Sep 13, 2010 11:49 am

Ok i know i made a subject few months back, but this one is to clear up on what is actually needed for this script.

A image section for each listing (www.directoryname.com/listingname/listingnameimage)
A video section just like the image idea.

Make a user area for people, so they dont need to add there name all the time when making comments, this can Just can be a simple show DOB,name,details, when you place the courser over there name ect

Instead of the rating showing numbers by there name, have stars instead.

Directions for google map

Able to make link in new fields

improve the search, so it it will show radios from the company address, just like the wordpress store locator
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Joined: Fri Jan 23, 2009 9:14 am

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