I can't thumbs upload from the computer

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I can't thumbs upload from the computer

Postby viperguss » Thu Nov 05, 2009 6:57 am

hi, i am new to the forum and also from Arfooo, the startup problem is that my English is not good, I'm from mexico and I speak Spanish, so I hope someone is kind enough to help

I read the post on the subject of the thumbs and I can not get displayed.
chooses to download to my computer and uploading to the host, but still not possible.

I understand that when there is a problem, definitely not upload never, rarely if I got a couple of thumbs up

I finally achieved, in my administration panel Arfooo, editing site, reviewing and selecting the file to upload on jpg and png.

but after at least 10 occasion try, after that I failed to get upload more

someone help me please!
I can do?

I have little experience as a programmer
Last edited by viperguss on Fri Nov 06, 2009 3:03 am, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:01 am

Re: problems with my language (Spanish) and thumbs

Postby viperguss » Fri Nov 06, 2009 2:56 am

ok, after thinking little about the problem, I did some testing and found that the problem is that the thumbs up given the same name "0" (0.jpg, 0.png, 0.gif).
then that means I can only upload a image format, a jpg, a png, a gif, etc.

practical way:

upload route: examine = computer / folder / myweb.png

http://myweb.com (link) + 0.png (image thumb)

this if it works. Now, if I want to get another thumb for a different web:

upload route: examine = computer / folder / yourweb.png

http://yourweb.com + 0.png(new image of the other thumb)

it is impossible to upload because the file already exists 0.png

however, if I upload an image in another format, I have no problem to do it, automatically identifies the file format and uploads it without problem, for example:

upload route: examine = computer / folder / yourweb.jpg

http://yourweb.com + 0.jpg (image validates the thumb)

on this occasion if it works and I have two websites with the right thumb.

My problem then is, that all thumbs trying to upload are appointed with the same value "0"

how can I do to upload several thumbs in the same format and the name correctly for identify a specific site?

this is normal or is a problem with the script?
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:01 am

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