Usability issue in submit form

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Usability issue in submit form

Postby knoufal » Sat Feb 27, 2010 7:09 pm


I noticed as will got this feedback from few who I asked to check the form that:

When you select the category and sub-category if the rest of the form is not showing on the screen people might get confused and just wait for something to happened without seeing the rest of the form below .

What I suggest is after selecting the categories is to focus ( or slide the page to) the next section or input field (step 2) in submission form .

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Joined: Sat Feb 27, 2010 1:31 am

Re: Usability issue in submit form

Postby fulbanu006 » Mon May 10, 2010 4:46 am

The "Please describe the problem" field has a limit of 255 characters. There is no indication there is a limit on the form. If you try to submit a report with more than 255 characters the form validation fails and informs you there is a limit of 255 characters, it does not tell you how many characters you have typed. This creates the problem of having to either use an external program to count the characters, manually count the characters, or guess and hope with multiple tries.

If there is a problem submitting the form a new captcha is generated, but the "Word Verification" field still contains the data from the previous attempt to submit, which is now wrong. No warning is raised that it has changed, or the field need to be re-completed.
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