Link Checker not working

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Link Checker not working

Postby LarsS » Mon Feb 16, 2009 7:37 pm


i´ve just installed your script an di think, it´s great. There are nearly all functions, i was looking for.There is only one problem:
I did a test submission, whre a backlink is required. I linked to a page, where the required backlink was not located. After that I switched to admin panel->pending sites and saw that the backlink url ha d red color. Does this mean, that the backlink isn´t avilabe or is the color always red?
After that i ried the same, but with an available backlink but i got the red color again.

In the next test, i accepted the link (no Backlink) and did a cronjob backlink check. The site wasn´t listed under sites with errors or sites with problems. In tne deatil view, i saw that the backlink is there.
But there isn´t any backlink.

So I am sure, that the link checker does not work correctly. Is that possible?

I hope, that anybody can help me. While that, i´m gonna translate the lang file into german. I will post a link whre i uploaded it.


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Joined: Mon Feb 16, 2009 4:01 pm

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