Re: Tutorial: Create a new page in Arfooo Directory
by saidbakr » Sun Apr 26, 2009 1:01 pm
I think that Arfooo is very powerful and completely Object Oriented driven application. However, It should has some kind of documentation for its API that allows developer's community to share in effective way to improve and in-rich Arfooo with features and customization.
For example, I want to create a new object that have method able to display all search tag clouds and then creating new page that will host this object. I don't know where to start and how.
Another notice: The forum seems to be frozen, i.e. there is no sufficient amount of posts and even posts has no replies. This situation do not reflects the great value of Arfooo.
About this, I suggest to add some wiki to manage this documentation.
Best Regards,
, just another customized Arfooo directory.