Version 2.0.2 available

Announcements about new products, updates Arfooo Directory and migration scripts

Moderator: effi

Version 2.0.2 available

Postby effi » Sat Nov 27, 2010 3:29 pm

great job, arf succeed !
here are the changes (changelog content in the documentation folder)
1) Arfooo Directory is now fully compatible with PHP 5.3.x
2) Adding the ability to format the description with html. Secured with htmlpurifier. Thank you for this very powerful library.
3) Added a function to check the duplication of content. Can be checked during site submission. Also serves to check later if the description is duplicated...
4) Adding in the admin the ability to classify a site in an unlimited number of categories.
5) Adding in the admin the ability to pass additional parameters in URLs to track its newsletters for example.
6) Adding on the results page of search engine, in the title tag and h1, the word searched.
7) Improve the relevance of search engine results
8) Fixed a bug with the search engine. The settings were hard coded.
9) Added ability to customize the attribute alternative images.
10) The uploaded images are not distorted.
11) Adding additional fields : URL field. Options: anchor text and nofollow
12) Adding additional fields : File field. Allows upload and download a file.
13) Added ability to customize the style of the additional field via css.
14) Added display of stars for the rate. It's more web 2.0: D
15) Added in the admin the part "Manage banned sites."
16) Added several translations forgotten.
17) Passage of the Google Maps API version 2 to version 3.
18) Improvement of the newsletter part.
19) Improvement of the template system. The template name is now a variable.
20) Improvement of the session. The sessions will be shut most of the time that the user is online.
21) Fixed a bug where the admin to select an unlimited number of keywords.
22) Fixed a bug that prevented the admin to manage the sites image.
23) Fixed bug with submission and premium modes Allopass payment and Paypal.
24) Fixed a bug that prevented to upload a csv file for the newsletter.
25) Fixed a bug with deleting the cache and compiled templates. Thanks gunner!
26) Fixed a bug with the thumbs if the image was returned empty. Thanks dnd!

here is the link to test it
As some guys aready installed it, so did I today, quite easy, with some work on my own templates
Posts: 195
Joined: Fri May 22, 2009 10:04 am

Re: Version 2.0.2 available

Postby ARS » Wed Dec 08, 2010 4:51 pm

as i installed 2.02 I couldn't use my old database and I got a couple of errors

and I also made several changes to the old script

do you have a changelog or better a tutorial how to update the new files/ functions without installing?
links in signatures don't help
Posts: 62
Joined: Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:54 pm

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